Thursday, July 25, 2013

Delivery day

I should let you know by sleep I mean I was able to close my eyes and rest. My husband did get some sleep but it wasn't good sleep. I was walking up having contractions every few minuets. I text my mom and my sister in the am asking them to come up so my husband could get some good sleep. He was so tired at this point I was squeezing his hand during contractions and he was sleeping through them. No no there is no reason to bad mouth him or be mad. It was understandable be had been up on and off for two days with no good sleep.

Finally they got to the point that I was crying again and saying I couldn't do it. The shift change of the nurses had happened and it was time for them to check me again. When they did I wanted to crawl off the bed. It hurt so bad. The nurse asked me if it really hurt that bad. I told her yes and she said that's not suppose to hurt that bad with the epidural. She called the anesthesiologist and said that I might need a new one put it.

After the nurse talked to the anesthesiologist he came in to talk to me and my husband. It was agreed that the best thing at this point would be to put in a new epidural. I was still only at 9 centimeters. Once the new epidural was in I was finally understanding why people said they were wonderful. I was so thankful to the new anesthesiologist. I remember saying "honey I'm sorry but today Dr Frank is my hero."

I can't remember if my mom showed up before or after the new epidural was in but I remember she was there so my husband could go get some food and she kept telling me it was okay to sleep. I finally got some good sleep. I could no longer feel any of the contractions. My husband and mom told me that the nurse kept coming in to check on me but I was asleep.

Around the same time my magnesium sulfate levels had gotten too high so they had to stop it for now. I was told I would have to be put back on it for 24 hours after delivery.

Around 12:45 they came back in to check on me. The resident told us that I was still at 9 centimeters and that he still had not dropped down any farther. A few minuets later one of the doctors came in to check me also. I told her they just checked and I was still only at 9 centimeters. She told me she wanted to check also. I couldn't feel anything when they checked me now because of the new epidural so I didn't mind as much. She said I had gotten to just rim but wanted me to push because the baby was not dropping. I pushed and she said the baby was not going to come out naturally that they were going to have to do a c section. My husband asked how long. We were told we would have a baby by 2pm.

After waiting for a little bit they got my husband his scrubs and he got changed. We had to wait a little longer than expected because another lady went into active labor and the doctor had to deliver her baby. We were wheeled back to the o.r. My husband had to wait outside as they got me ready. I
remember I kept asking them where he was. At this point I really was fighting very hard to stay awake. They had give me some stronger pain meds in the epidural for the c section and it was making me sleepy.

Finally husband was in the room and the next thing I knew I could hear our son crying and them showing him to me. My husband went over to cut the umbilical cord and then came back. I felt terrible I just wanted to sleep. I was so tired I fought it though and didn't give in. I did rest while they were closing me up. Before I left the o.r. I was asked if I could move my legs and I could. They were a little shocked and said I wouldn't be in recovery for very long. I basically was only in there long enough for them to start the magnesium sulfate back up and for the baby to eat.

He was born at 2:08pm, seven pounds three ounces and 21.5 inches long on May 30th.

When we got back to our room, (a different one from the start) my mom was there waiting for us. She was so excited. Shortly after my sister showed up. At some point after my sister and mom left, my husbands family came up. I am not really sure when or how long anyone was there. I was exhausted and the magnesium sulfate was making me hot and not feel good.

What they don't tell you is that the magnesium sulfate is awful. The worst. I was in a room set at about 60 with a fan blowing on me and I was still so hot. They would put wash cloths on me that had been in ice water and they would instantly be hot. Although I haven't gotten to the day after his delivery I will keep telling you about the magnesium sulfate. The next morning after his delivery I started to have blurry vision, and thought I was going crazy. I was itchy and I felt like I was freaking out. I wanted to cry, scream, flip out it was not fun. After begging them to take me off of it they did reduce the dose and all the crazy side affects started to go away minus the being super hot.

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