Friday, August 23, 2013

A tear to spare-in memory of Isaac

This blog post is to help share the memory of Isaac Greenlaw, who was born in New York on January 27, 2006 and passed away on July 25, 2006 when he was just too squirmy and pulled the corner of his fitted crib sheet off the mattress, getting entangled in it, and suffocating some time between 5:45 am and 8:45 am. It takes only 3 minutes for a healthy infant to suffocate according to the medical examiner. His Daddy gave him a bottle around 3am and all was fine, when his Mama got home she went to check on him expecting to find him sleeping, but instead he had gotten tangled in the crib sheet and his Mama saw his little legs, blue and mottled. While Daddy called 911, Mommy, a nurse, did CPR desperately trying to revive him. The GVEMS arrived within 2 minutes and took over CPR, neighbors rushed over to escort Isaac's 6 yr.old big brother out of the house, family and pastors from their church (The Father's House) met them at Strong. The fine doctors and nurses of the Peds ED worked on him and in a short time pronounced him dead.

If you are going to use fitted crib sheets, please make sure you get the Hold On sheet straps at Bed, Bath, and Beyond If you and I are friends and I have seen you since you had the baby, I may have given you a set of these. This is why. You may also want to check out QuickZip safety sheets at or JR "stay put" Safety Crib Sheets.

Crib Sheets are not the only danger, other bedding such as blankets, and bumpers are as well. Worried about the blanket and the baby getting cold try an alternative, a Halo sleep sack or other similar sleep sacks. You can find these in every baby section. I absolutely love these! There are also new breathable bumpers which can also be found in the baby section of almost every store.

Some may call it paranoia, but for the family above these features may have kept their child here with them longer.

Isaac story is very sad and my heart goes out to the family. I am also paranoid about this more than I ever would have been because of this. Not only did Isaac donated the gift of life to 2 other babies at Golisano's Children's Hospital at Strong by sharing his heart valves, but he will hopefully save the lives of hundreds of more babies by sharing his story.

Click here to see how you can be a hero If Isaac can do it so can you!

You can find more info about Isaac and his family at

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